Manoj Dey who Became an Inspiration for Millions of Masses on Youtube

Manoj Dey of Jharkhand Now when he comes out people run after him to meet him. No one could have imagined that the son of a Cycle Puncture maker would make his name on Youtube. In JoshTalks, Manoj Dey explains how he started his Youtube journey by seeing an AD of "How to Make Money on Youtube".


But it was not so easy Manoj's financial condition was not good and the burden of taking care of the house was now on him. Father who used to earn ₹ 250 a day could not teach Manoj. Manoj had to arrange for his college fees by selling his computer. The computer that he himself had taken on loan. Manoj used to run his house by doing 2 jobs at a time. Manoj tried Music Covers, Comedy sketches, and Tech Channel on Youtube. People also made fun of Manoj but he could never break Manoj's spirit. Let us also learn "How to grow your Youtube Channel" and know-how Manoj created a channel of 2.6 million.

Manoj Dey who Became an Inspiration for Millions of Masses on Youtube Manoj Dey who Became an Inspiration for Millions of Masses on Youtube Reviewed by SACHKARO on May 13, 2022 Rating: 5

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